What: Amateur Radio Hamfest
Where: 1446 Commerce Drive Crestview Florida 32539
When: (Day 1): Friday 13 October 2023 @ 8 am vender set up only.
When: (Day 2): Saturday 14 October 2023 Doors Open at 8 am and runs to 2 pm Event Clean up and done by 8 pm.
Admittance for Vendors and Guests: $7.00 12 and under free. 90 and above free.
Boy Scouts in uniform free.
Prices: Vendor Tables/Table Spots: $10.00* each (good for the entire show). Limited tables must plan on bringing your own tables if setting up more than 5.
First come, first serve.
NEW THIS YEAR: Tailgate — $5.00 per tailgate spot.
Limited quantity so must preregister
Food: Meal and bake sale provided by LOBC, sales benefit the Food Pantry.
Talk in Frequency: 147.360 + .6 MHz 100 Hz tone
Contact Information: [email protected] or call 850.359.9186
Activities offered: License Testing at 09:30 Refreshments Local Vendors Area Club Booths and Tables Private individual Tables Tailgate |
Now Attending: Tower Electronics The Sign Man SOL-TAC Flashlights ARRL DX Card Checker Vendors, get your name and web site put here |
License Testing: Saturday October 14, 2023 at 10:00 am. Cost: $10.00. Pre-registration required at: https://w4aaz.org/exams-contact-form/. Only FRNs will be accepted and must be obtained prior to the show. FRNs may be obtained HERE. Current License Holders must provide a copy of their license as part of the testing. This can be done via: https://www.fcc.gov/how-obtain-official-authorizations-uls. Click Here for more information on testing.
Mobile NWS Storm Spotter Training Classes after License Testing NO FEE!
We at the North Okaloosa Amateur Radio Club (NOARC) sincerely hope you decide to come to our 3rd annual event. We are capable of hosting and generating a multitude of vendors and spark interest in a wide area of the Gulf Coast of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and even parts of Georgia. We host a nightly net on our repeater called the Gulf Coast VHF Training Net (GCVTN) which reaches an area surrounding the Northwest Panhandle of Florida, lower parts of Alabama and many others. We are also associated with the Playground Amateur Radio Club (PARC) of Fort Walton Beach Florida that hosts an annual Hamfest every spring. We participated with them at their 53rd annual show in March, and they are a large input for our fall event that we intend to carry on each year to increase the promotion of the positive character and benefits of the Amateur Radio Hobby to local and surrounding communities.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dustin Stewart – “DJ” – KI4ZER